
December 5, 2009

Confirmed: Liberalism and Breathing Linked to Rotten Poetry

From Australia's Ollie's World, an Interactive Sustainability Resource...Check it out HERE.

The grotesque, foam-rubber goober with the big "O" on his shirt is, I assume Ollie - leading several adolescent girls in some degrading, witless, activism-is-cool fandango.

Never mind that the girls are much too old for this assinine folly; the accompanying rhyme is so awful, so cloying, idiotic and manipulative that it could only be the work of a liberal.

Apparently, "Air", when you breathe it in twice, causes you to slide from exhausting rhyming couplets to free verse!

God help you when these mushwits are in charge of anything.


Anonymous said...

Isn't Oliie some sort of czar?

Rhod, your point here is excellent, and you have found a tremendous example of the dangerous instability that is leftist thought, but ... I have to ask: Ming the Clam ... that picture below ... this post ...

What are you reading, man?

Opus #6 said...

How did these mushwits get to be in charge of the executive and legislative branches of our government. We must be mushwits.

Rhod said...

I've slipped the surly bonds of simple blogging, DC.

But fear not. Right now I'm working on a post about Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Wetzy said...

Didn't Emerson coin the phrase "mushwits"?

Rhod said...

I think so Wetzy.

But he stole it from Thoreau..."most mushwits live in quiet desperation"..."a foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of mushwits"...words like that.

Rhod said...

Opie, the 80/20 Rule applies with mushwits, too.

Rhod said...

Oh yes, we need to point out that the scientist/mushwit who wrote this literary excreta doesn't know the difference between "affected" and "effected".

It's not a small thing.

Caeseria said...

Mushwits! I love that word! That is my new favorite word!
Saying "y'all" if you normally don't, just because you're talking to a Southerner, is an affect, emphasis on the first syllable. A piece of ice melting in a pan is demonstrating an effect, emphasis on the second syllable. THEY'RE NOT EVEN PRONOUNCED THE SAME WAY.
Thank you Rhod.